Friday, May 17, 2013

Spring cleaning - shoes and accessories

Above is a small fraction of my Shoemageddon. At last count I had 26 pairs on active rotation and probably just as many stashed in tote bags in the bottom of my closet.

Shoes get out of control because they are so easy to try on and look interesting even when not actually being worn. If the shoe fits, take it home and store it.

If one is feeling down about personal excess of any sort, one can always turn to celebrities to feel better. Take a stroll through The Coveteur and various other blogs and your own shoe issues will dwindle to a single shelving unit.

So, gotta ask - does anybody out there not have enough shoes for a centipede with a personal stylist? 


  1. I actually did a super clear out awhile back and besides a couple pairs grubby ballet flats, I'm actually at shoe peace with myself. Then again I've been on a super purge, capsule wardrobe quest for the past year or so. But looking at closets like that make me want want want.

    1. Capsule wardrobe. What an awesome concept. Maybe that needs to be my new mantra.

  2. I love shoes but don't own many... perhaps 20 pairs total? I hate wearing any which are uncomfortable, and since I can rarely figure that out until long after purchasing them, I'm just a little cautious. But I am partial to ballet flats in myriad shades!

    1. I seem to remember an excel chart at Struggling to be Stylish that involved ballet flats.

  3. The number of shoes in my closet is actually pretty limited. Jackets, however, are a whole nother story! I collect jackets the way other women collect shoes and handbags...I could have my own jacket-maggedon!
