Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DIY wallpaper alternatives

Do a DIY Imperial Trellis using the trellis allover stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils via Isabella & Max Rooms.

Make a linen look painted wall with Isabella & Max Rooms.

If you are very clever, make your own stencil with AutoCad and color with Sharpies from HGTV's Rate my Space via Chic Modern Vintage.

Freehand a design inspired by a Fossil catalog using a gold paint pen at Scraplog via Chic Modern Vintage.

Make stripes from electrical tape at High Heeled Foot in the Door.

Don't like black? Try blue tape. Don't like stripes? Try diagonal with colored masking tape at Little Green Notebook.

Get wide silver stripes with contact paper at Apartment Therapy.

The simplest yet - the homeowners put up plain masking tape, intending to paint stripes. But they liked the masking tape so much, they left it up instead at Apartment Therapy.

Have you tried any DIY alternatives to wallpaper?


  1. I LOVE the wallpaper alternative! It's the best of both worlds.

  2. These are clever wallpaper alternatives! Enjoy a wonderful day, Kellie xx

  3. These are all so pretty! I especially like the linen look wall.

  4. Wow, the plain masking tape looks AMAZING! I might have to do that..!

    I'm also working on a stenciled wall (still!)...

  5. That's a very impressive array of ideas. If I were more enterprising, I'd be there already toiling diligently over Autocad for that particularly lovely look.

  6. Hmm, amazing to look at, the execution I'm still not sure about it, it's so frustrating when something looks so amazing in my head and doesn't translate well in real life! The only thing close to a DIY on wallpaper is I read in Lonny that you can put up non-permanent wallpaper by just applying criss-crosses of double stick tape to the back, hmmmm...

  7. I've always been scared of wallpaper. I have vivid memories of ruining my walls by attempting to peel it off a few years ago. However, these look awesome! -Polly

  8. This is a first-class roundup. These ideas are so pretty, especially the HGTV one.

  9. Amazing round up... these are all great ideas for thrifty home design. I shared a link to this post on the Dollar store crafts facebook page.

  10. I love love lovity love the masking tape wall! How clever and CHEAP!

  11. I really admire these, but have a strong feeling I don't have the patience to pull something like this off. For some reason, I think the masking tape is my favorite!

  12. Thanks so much, Heather. I seem to be too dim to figure out how to thank you on DSC's page.

    Struggler, I'm kind of with you. I have tried absolutely none of them, sensing potential disaster.

  13. i love the third example but coloring with sharpies on my wall scares the crap out of me. i suppose having a steady hand and a good plan is key.

  14. Another idea: dip fabric in liquid starch and put it on the wall, smoothing it over. Have a towel handy because it can get messy even with squeezing out the excess liquid, but clean up is easy. The right fabric will look great on the wall. When you want to change the look, simply peel the fabric away and wipe the wall with a damp sponge.
