Friday, February 24, 2012

My DIY fitted striped top

I can't seem to get tired of stripes and currently own four striped tops and/or sweaters. What I lacked, however, was a fitted striped top, which I believe is a distinction that readers of this blog will appreciate.

I took a Talbot's top picked up for a few dollars at Goodwill and decided to transform it from loose and casual to fitted, as the inspiration photos below demonstrate.

First step, as you may have figured out by my previous refashions, is to take off the sleeves. (Mark which sleeve is which in case you are spatially challenged like me and can't tell after they are off.) Then pin fit the sides.

To show you my advancement in the refashioning area, note my new favorite tool - washable markers. After you get your fit right and verify that you're taking in equal amounts on both sides, mark the seam, then turn the pins perpendicular to the seam so you can sew over them.

To show you my regression in the refashioning area, also note that I overly fitted the sides. See the hourglass shape? You don't want that. A gentle "C" shape is about as much curve as you should put into a knit top. I've made this mistake, oh, two or three times now.

The shoulders of the original top drooped, so I marked a seam about an inch in from the original using my new marker. Then I trimmed off the excess fabric, leaving a half-inch seam allowance.

As my previous cardigan tutorial showed, you take your sleeve right side out and insert it into the body of the top, which is inside out. Pin the sleeve opening and sew.

Since my sleeves were also loose, I pin fitted them a little tighter, marked the seam and sewed these as well.

It's not perfect. A bit too tight and a little weird under the pits. But definitely more wearable.

Now I just need to find a striped top with wide stripes that is also fitted, another distinction I think you all appreciate.

How many stripey things do you own?

Images: Masmoniquilla; Refinery 29; Thrild via The Mannequin


  1. Hello
    Thanks for putting up, very good stuff, It is pretty ideal for everyone.
    Thank you!

  2. lovely job - and the hourglass fit is very Nigella Lawson!
