Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm weird. I think old rotting cabbages are pretty.

These cabbages have since been torn up and replaced with tulips.


  1. I can totally imagine them as framed art in a room, but whenever someone asks, "These are pretty. What kind of plant are they?" the response would be, "Rotting cabbages" and then awkward silence...

    I think they're pretty too.

  2. I love these too! If you don't mind, one of these pics would be a great example in a post I'm planning...

    I'm having a Design Your Own Giveaway and would love to have you enter!

  3. Sure. I'd be flattered.

    I saw your giveaway. I was stumped on what I'd want. I'm not used to options. :) But I'm sure I'll come up with something.
