Saturday, December 12, 2009

We love Young House Love

Thanks to Sherry and John over at the ever popular Young House Love blog for featuring our armoire to fountain transformation. For the two or three people on the planet who have not heard of YHL, this is the former This Young House (before This Old House got all huffy about trademark infringement), a peppy and practical home design and renovation blog. Stop by and say hello.


  1. Hello, I came to your blog through Young House Love. I love the ideas that your blog has given me, from the ikat boxes to the silhoutte pillows and will be following your blog from now on. Grace

  2. I found your blog through YHL as well! I cannot believe the fountain that was transformed from an armoire. Very impressive :) Love your blog!

  3. I too found your blog a few weeks ago by way of Young House Love! I have been in awe of your blog ever since!

  4. Congrats on being featured there - that is awesome... but very well deserved!

  5. oooh, congrats! i didn't realize the name change was a trademark infringement issue. people definitely get huffy about that, for sure.

  6. Great blog – very useful. I am gonna check out Young House Love right now! Thanks for this.

    Deirdre G
