Attention all (non-medical) OCD friends. January is National Get Organized Month and Brother is giving away a label maker every day along with a $2,000 grand prize package. Enter here.
If you haven't fallen in love with the coolness of owning a label maker, here's an idea to get you inspired. One of my favorite organizing tips is to hide storage in open sight by making it "pretty." So I'l show you how to make decorative silver storage cans, which you can see above in my fabulous closet.
I created this tutorial as part of a paid campaign with Brother and Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own.
First you'll need a label maker. Brother gave me the PT-D200 to try, which has extra decorative text features. You can check out the full line here.
You'll also need a couple of small plain paint cans, which I picked up at a hardware store for $1.50 each.
Make a label "ribbon" by repeating the text of your label over and over until you get the message that the text capacity is full. Optional: I put a space between each letter and two spaces between each word to air out my font.
Fortunately, the maximum label length fits exactly around my small paint can. You'll need four or five labels per can.
Then peel and stick your labels on the cans as seen below. Start on the back seam of the can and work your way around. Slightly stagger your starting point so that the text is staggered from line to line.
Then take the contents of your junk drawer and put it in your pretty cans..
Here are more organizing projects using Brother label makers.
Check out more great ways to get organized with a Brother P-Touch.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.