Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vintage jewelry inspiration from Lulu Frost

If you're looking for ways to repurpose your bling, consider the work of Lisa Salzar for Lulu Frost. Lisa incorporates bits and bobs into her jewelry ranging from chandelier crystals to vintage hotel room numbers. As a kid, she played in her grandma's estate jewelry store.

Proving once again that I am person of exquisite taste, my three favs were also the only three in the $1,000 and up category.

That last one reminded me of the crazypants necklace I made from my grandmother's pins. (My grandma ran a estate jewelry store out of her closet.) Get the how to here.


  1. I'd missed your crazypants necklace first time round, but I love it for its name and its very blingy bling. Definitely worth many dollars.

  2. Love your crazypants beautiful.

  3. This jewelry is so beautiful! I wish I had the money just laying around to purchase some beautiful stuff! Maybe I can just attempt the crazypants necklace instead. :)
