Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blog award

I received a Blog Lovin' award from London-based blogger Huma at Her Little Place. Huma, who writes for The Guardian and The Observer, has, among other things, a post devoted entirely to cupcakes. This is the kind of journalism I have come to respect.

At any rate, blog awards are to be passed on to other bloggers, which is a stressful thing for a intronerd like myself. I was the one who never passed on the chain letter and got 10 years of bad luck. I hate board games. I'm not a huggy person. Group things, especially group things of a warm and fuzzy nature, boggle my mind, and I know I'm going to do it wrong.

So, with that in mind, I will pass this award along to a couple of blogs that are not mega huge (because mega huge blogs don't need them anyway) and are of the home design-y genre since the world is a big place and you have to limit it somehow:

The City Sage for gorgeous pics and a very weird sense of humor. (Orphaned pony charities and herds of Panton chairs.)

I Suwannee for cool bookcases and other stuff and for being hilarious. (Mini-sombreros and the chifferobe, among others.)

Modern Homebody/Kelly+Olive for interesting stuff, DIYs and being hilarious. (Where else can you get car dealship potato salad recipes?)

Nick Olsen and Nick Olsen's Dream House for affordable style and being hilarous. (To start with, he refers to his boss as Mugatu.)

The Estate of Things for interesting stuff, DIYS, public disagreements, and being hilarious.

I think there's a trend here.

Four Walls and a Roof and From the Right Bank to the Left Coast for great taste and understanding why more things should be grey.

Noel Marie for tips on frugal living in Brooklyn.

Down and Out Chic for being so chipper.

And some follower awards: (Don't you think followers deserve awards, too?)

Red Shoes for longevity and thoughtful comments.

Karen for great tips.

Alek for consistency.

Christine for showing up just about every day even though she links to 4o million blogs and has hundreds of followers.

Angelo Surmelis for being my one and only celebrity follower.

I'm done, right?

I have to tell all of these people they got an award?

What a racket. I'm too lazy for that.

(Also if I've missed someone, please give yourself an award. I love you all.)


  1. Hey...(that's the usual greeting here in the South!) so nice that you dropped by. I love your blog! So many great ideas and inspirations that I can use. Thank you for stopping by.
    P.S. I have Bromeliads
    growing in my palms here. How fun is that!

    Lamp Tramp

  2. Congratulations... and thank you!

  3. Thanks for the shout-out! And I cracked up at your response to having to go to every blog and let them know about the award. That is so my response to things. Too funny.

  4. Hot Dang!
    Thank you so much for thinking of The Estate of Things!!!


  5. This is the funniest passing on of an award I've read. I think you and I would get on famously IRL. I'm honored to be a part of this illustrious group so thank you. Have a good weekend!

  6. Woo! Thank you! And I couldn't have done it without my Mom, Dad....

    Seriously, I'm with Alek - that is the funniest award tag ever. Your blog never fails to crack me up!

    I think I sense a new type of award: the 'oh no, I've been tagged' award! (That said, I secretly am very, very pleased indeed - here's the more gray!!)

  7. Awww! How nice of you! I think you're doing a great job of developing both your home and your design blog. Happy to be your follower.

    I have great news on a personal front. My partner and I just bought our very first house. It feels like a whole world of options for frugerati-ness has just opened up to me, now that I can do whatever I wish but have minuscule (non-existent really) budget to do it with. Will need inspiration more than ever.

  8. We are all about non-existent budget here.

    Yay on home ownership.

  9. haha, i love that you think i'm chipper- thank you daily doses of espresso.
    i will continue to show up every day as long as i'm physically capable (and as long as i'm able to ingest copious amounts of caffeine. there you know my secret).
    big thank you!

  10. Thank you thank you! I'm honored and blushing and flattered to be in such good company.
    And you're the first person who has been brave enough to comment on my truly bizarre sense of humour---I commend you for that! :)

  11. I'm glad you liked the cupcakes post - and that finally my journalistic skills are being recognised for what they are!! X
